Britain's Royal Academy of Arts has removed two paintings from its summer exhibition that drew parallels between Israel and the Nazis, though a third controversial painting remains on display.

One of the removed pieces was titled "The Massacre of Defenceless Women and Children of Gaza Is Not the Method to Deradicalise Gaza" by Michael Sandel. It depicts a faceless pilot with a Star of David and numerous dead bodies wrapped in sacks. The painting is priced at £17,000.

Another removed work was by 16-year-old Andy, titled "Conflict," which shows women in Muslim clothing hiding from a Buddha with a swastika. Andy described the composition as highlighting the similarities between the conflict in Gaza and Nazi and Chinese repressions.

The remaining painting that sparked outrage shows a girl hiding behind a banner reading: "Jews. Stop the Palestinian genocide. Not in our name." Representatives of the Jewish community have expressed concern that such artwork fuels anti-Semitism and violence against Jews, according to The Jewish Chronicle.