UN Special Envoy Pramila Patten confirms Hamas rapes in report
The report focuses on the sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women on Black Saturday, October 7.
US Supreme Court allows Donald Trump to participate in primaries
The US Supreme Court has ruled that former President Donald Trump is eligible to run for president and participate in the 2024 primary elections.
Biden avoids question about pressure on Israel in New Yorker interview
The New Yorker recently published an extensive interview with US President Joe Biden titled “Joe Biden’s Last Campaign,” where he discusses various topics including the conflict in Gaza.
Angela Davis claims Israel 'weaponized' Hamas rape accusations
An open letter penned and signed by anti-Zionists and activists is addressed to the Israeli and US governments
'I’m here to kill Jews': religious Jewish man stabbed to death in Zurich
A 50-year-old Orthodox Jewish man was stabbed with a knife in the heart of Zurich.
Israel to participate in Eurovision with revised version of 'October Rain'
Israel will alter both the lyrics and title of the song slated to represent Israel at the Eurovision 2024 Song Contest.
Jewish man attacked in Paris outside synagogue
Everything is being done to find the perpetrator of this unspeakable act, according to French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin