
Centcom: Houthi attack damages Greek vessel, injuries reported

The bulk carrier, sailing under the Liberian flag, continues its voyage from Malaysia to Egypt

Centcom: Three Houthi drones destroyed, no 'successful' Houthi attack on aircraft carrier

The Houthis launched three ballistic missiles at ships in the Gulf of Aden, but there are no reports of damage or casualties

UKMTO: Vessel attacked near Yemen coast

Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen have repeatedly attacked vessels in and around the Red Sea for months

Houthi attack Israel on the day of funerals for its militants

The missile aimed at Eilat was intercepted by the long-range Arrow air defense system

Houthis announced strikes on US aircraft carrier, US destroyer, three vessels in Red Sea, Indian Ocean

The Houthi militia, which is in control of the most populous parts of Yemen, has been attacking ships off its coast for months

Australia designates Houthis as terrorist organization

The country's security agencies say that the Houthis are "directly or indirectly engaged in the preparing, planning, assisting in, or fostering of terrorist attacks."

Merchant ship attacked south of Yemen

An investigation into the incident has been initiated, with suspicions pointing towards the involvement of the Houthis.